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Think Functionally - Alexis King
Alexis King - “Effects for Less” @ ZuriHac 2020
Keynote: Delimited Continuations, Demystified by Alexis King | Lambda Days 2023
Alexis King on "Delimited Continuations, Demystified" @ZuriHac2023
Inside Racket Seminar 7. Alexis King on Hackett
Alexis King - Rascal
(fifth RacketCon): Alexis King — Generic Collections: One Interface to Rule Them All
@lexi_lambda: How to make a Haskell program 5x faster with 16 lines of code
"Hackett: a metaprogrammable Haskell" by Alexis King
[HIW'22] A look across the pond: a comparison between GHC and Racket compilation models
Alexis King - Hackett: a metaprogrammable Haskell
(seventh RacketCon): Alexis King -- Hackett, a Haskell for Racketeers